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السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

Lonliness, My Curse, My Treasure

Loneliness is a combined curse/treasure, that i always had.
A treasure that defines my best characters, makes me exactly who i am.
i am no longer forced to think about what other people think or say, because they are actually don't exist, I am finally free.
I don't have to down-speed my thinking to meet their standards, i can think at my own speed, i can even speak my thoughts with me, without anyone staring in sympathy !!
I can be as dreamy as i want, get deep into my mind, thinking faster than other competitors, crossing over their ways of thinking, getting to the goals, offering them solutions to problems they might face in 10 years from now, without even them notice how i manipulate them !
Nobody will have to comment on my always half-minded  presence, telling me all kinds of silly comments.
It clears your mind of all the chaos, distractions & confusion always caused by others, makes you devoted only for your work, speedy & determined as a bullet.
This is the treasure part.
The curse part , u know you will always sleep on your bed alone, walk alone on the path of life.
You will never to know what intimacy is all about, even if your got married a 100 times, you will always be drowned in your own piles of thoughts, repeating & training, practicing, analysing, getting ready with 1000 alternates for every simple question & situation.
No matter how good is your brain, how vivid is your imagination, it's all in your head & finally you come to the simple truth, you will die old & alone with no one around.
So what would i do ?
i would do nothing, i am not foolish to give away my treasure, i am not smart enough to evade a curse.

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. This really deserves sympathy,being effective in others life is in many ways linked to being intimate to them,intimate friend,intimate brother,intimate husband,although it's really hard to change our personal traits

  2. This is kind of depressing and pessismistic point of view.. However, all I could say here is, u dont live alone,so u may reconsider such perspective,,,lonliness is good but only when u balance between it and between ur social life
    الانسان لم يخلق ليعيش وحيداً, الوحدة لها جوانب ايجابية و لكن لها حدود, لك أنت فقط كما لغيرك العمل على موازنة هذه المعادلة والتي ليست بمستحيلة .فالعلم بالتعلم و الحلم بالتحلم و الصبر بالتصبر
